Friday, December 11, 2009

Enjoy the Holidays!

What a great gift basket for the holiday season! The Enjoy the Holidays! gift basket is great for any holiday occasion and will light up the faces of those who share this joyous time with you.

When you receive this great gift basket you will immediately be in the holiday mood when you see the singing snowmen on the box. We have tried to make this as fun and joyous as possible and to inspire the holiday spirit in all of us.

In the Enjoy the Holidays! gift basket, you will get some of the best retro candy there is. Not only will you get some, but you will get an astounding 40 pieces of it! Some of the delicious candies that are included are Wax Lips, Razzles, Red Hots and Bit-O-Honey.

This is sure to brighten up any one's spirit. Take pleasure in the Enjoy the Holidays! gift basket during this holiday season today!

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