Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hurricane Irene Causes Interruption for Candy Shipments

We got really hammered by Hurricane Irene over the weekend. Our power just came back on after being off since early Sunday morning. We weren't able to ship any candy orders since the weekend. Besides the lack of electricity, there were trees down everywhere, and lots of water where it wasn't supposed to be. Volunteer fire companies came from as far away as the Finger Lakes to help pump out basements that had filled with water. A fleet of trucks form Topeka, Kansas arrived to help repair all the fallen electrical wires. All the workers were wonderful! Trees were down all over the place and that's what wreaked havoc on the power lines. Hurricanes aren't supposed to come to Woodstock; heavy rain maybe, but not the high winds. Prior to this, we've been out of power for maybe two days at the most, so this time was a record. Today we were told our power could be out for a week, so it was a nice surprise when all the lights went on tonight. Outside, people were cheering!
In a few days we're going to buy a generator for WoodstockCandy.com so next time we lose power, we don't have to close up shop. We totally depend on electricity to run our business, from retrieving our orders to printing the shipping labels.
So it's time to get back to work to get all the retro candy gift orders out. Thanks everyone for being patient!

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