Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Lowland Gorilla Celebrates His 50th Birthday in Style

Nico, a western lowland gorilla who lives in captivity in the UK, celebrated his 50th birthday in style today. He is thought to be the oldest silverback in Europe. No one is certain of his exact birthday, but August 16 has become the date they celebrate it each year. The average life span of this type of gorilla is 35 years in the wild, and 54 years in captivity.

The staff at Longleat Safari Park, where he lives, didn't know what to get Nico for his birthday since he pretty well has everything he needs. This 50 year old gorilla lives a very pampered lifestyle which includes a television in a centrally heated house on his own private island. Nico probably would have loved a box of retro candy, but I don't think that's part of his vegetarian diet. Someone thought to give him a bouquet of flowers which he promptly threw on the ground. He was happier with the banana shaped birthday cake that was presented to him. If you thought it was hard wondering what gift to get for someone who has everything, try shopping for a 50th birthday gift for a gorilla!

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