Friday, August 26, 2011

World's Oldest Person Celebrating 115th Birthday

The world's oldest person is celebrating her 115th birthday today!! Her name is Besse Cooper and she's having a birthday party at her nursing home in Monroe, Georgia. She was born in Tennessee in 1896 and moved to Georgia during WWI.

If you had to bring a birthday present to her celebration, what on earth would you give her? At this age, she surely doesn't need any unpractical objects. Her son says she sleeps 80% of the time. So maybe a cozy blanket? Companionship would be good; some time to just sit and keep her company with some conversation. Ms. Cooper has got to have some great stories to tell! At age 115, she has the two most important things in life: family and her health. She explains her longevity with this "I mind my own business," and "I don't eat junk food." Minding your own business can keep a lot of stress out of your life, but junk food? Most of us feel we need some of it to keep our sanity, and here, we love our retro candy!

Just for perspective, here are some candies that evolved around the turn of the century when she was born: Doscher's French Chew Taffy (1871), Juicy Fruit and Wrigley's Spearmint Gum (1893), Tootsie Roll (1896), Candy Corn (1898), The Hershey candy bar (1900), Necco Wafers (1901), Squirrel Peanut Bar (1905), Hershey's Kisses (1906), and the Idaho Spud Bar (1909). I wonder if Ms. Cooper would be surprised that some of the candy she grew up with is still around today!

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