Friday, August 30, 2013

Fun Back-to-School Lunch Ideas

The beginning of a new school year means attending new classes, making new friends and buying new supplies. Most children also opt to bring their lunches to school. Unfortunately, children often waste quite a bit of their meals, throwing out salads, carrot sticks and other healthy items. Fortunately, there are some great tips that parents can use to get creative when packing their children's lunch boxes. This article will explore some great ways that parents can get their children to eat healthier, while still making lunchtime fun and exciting.

First, it is a wonderful idea to invest in a fun lunch box that a child will truly enjoy taking to school. Sesame Street is a particular favorite amongst pre-school aged children. A fun, colorful Cookie Monster lunch box is a great way to put a smile on any little boy or girl's face. Allowing a child to pick out a lunchbox that he or she will take to school will help them feel included in the decision making lunchbox. Whether it's a playful Cookie Monster lunch box, or one with a bunch of the lovable Sesame Street characters or a different choice, investing in a high quality lunch box will help a child look forward to eating the contents of his or her lunch.

The best way to get a child to eat healthy food options, is to present them in a fun and colorful way. A child is unlikely to eat celery or carrot sticks if they are thrown into a plastic baggie. For a great way to add a colorful new spin on vegetables, try lining celery sticks with a bit of peanut butter and dried cranberries or raisins on top. Although ranch is a standard favorite, hummus is packed full of nutrients, and can add a savory twist to one's lunches. Even sliced cucumbers can be quite tasty when they're tossed in a bit of vinegar or soy sauce.

Many children crave sweets from the vending machine, which can wreak havoc on a child's ability to focus during class. Instead of handing them change for processed junk food, pack a contained of chilled grapes or apple slices and yogurt. Yogurt makes an excellent dip for most fruits, and delivers that sweet taste that all kids crave, without the excess sugar and calories.

While water is considered to be the healthiest beverage, the truth of the matter, is that many children do not care for the taste. There are now a multitude of water enhancers available at most supermarkets and through online vendors. They are not only a tasty alternative to sugary juice and caffeinated beverages, but they are also a great, natural way to stay hydrated without the excess calories.

It can become incredibly easy to fall into a school lunch routine, packing the same things for weeks on end. By consistently asking for feedback from one's child about his or her likes or dislikes, a parent can adjust lunch menus as necessary, while empowering the child with the knowledge that his or her opinions truly matter.

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