Woodstock Candy Posting Page
Friday, August 27, 2010

Turning 80 years old is quite the milestone. You have now experienced many things throughout your life, many of them bad and many of them good. Some of the good things you have experienced is penny candy stores, great friends and a great family.
When turning 80 you want to be able to celebrate this fantastic milestone with all three of the good things from above. How can you do that since there aren't penny candy stores anymore? Well...we aren't sure about the penny part but we can surely get you some of that candy that used to be in the penny candy store!
With the 80th Birthday Gift Basket you will get 40 kinds of the greatest retro candy that there is. Some of the candies included in this fun gift basket are Sixlets, Teaberry Gum, Boston Baked Beans, Wax Straws and even Charleston Chew!
Wow, what a selection! You will not be able to find a great selection like this anywhere else. The 80th Birthday Gift Basket is a one of a kind item that should be celebrated with all 80 year olds so order it today before they turn 81!
by: Woodstock Candy

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