Woodstock Candy Posting Page
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Do you know someone who is turning 30 soon? Do you feel like you don't want to get them the same old birthday gift? If this sounds anything like the situation that you are in, then you should get them the 30th Birthday Gift Box.
The 30th Birthday Gift Box is a great birthday gift for anyone that you care about. It is filled to the brim with some of the best retro candy that there ever was.
Some of the candy that is included is Swedish Fish, Razzles, Ring Pop, Sour Patch Kids and so so much more!
With this gift you absolutely can't go wrong. It will not only satisfy some one's sweet tooth, but it will give offer the gift of memories. Memories from childhood can often be some of the greatest memories that we had and what better way to bring those memories back than with the thing that we loved most as a child!
The 30th Birthday Gift Box may not seem like the greatest gift, but trust us, it is a wonderful gift that will bring about smiles and laughter and best of all, great candy!!!
by: Woodstock Candy

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