Woodstock Candy Posting Page
Thursday, April 21, 2011

The term “retro candy” means different things to people of different generations. It really all depends on when you grew up. Some of our customers are a little younger than others. If you grew up on NECCO Wafers and Bonomo Turkish Taffy, you might not appreciate what newer “retro candy” means for younger generations. Well, one of our customers wrote in to let us know just how much he loves Warheads.
Dear Woodstock Candy,
I’m just writing to let you know that I’m so glad you carry Warheads Sour Candy. I’m in my early 20s, and this stuff just brings me right back to my childhood. Warheads were really popular when I was in elementary school… 4th grade, specifically. I remember I always had a bag stashed in my desk.
When you were a 4th grader in the late ‘90s, Warheads were sort of like currency. And some flavors were more valuable than others. For instance, one blue raspberry Warhead was worth about three apple flavored ones. When you’re a kid, you’re really particular about flavors.
Warheads are hard to find in stores anymore. I’m happy I can get them from you guys!
Thanks for the Warheads,
John, PA
by: Woodstock Candy

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