Woodstock Candy Posting Page
Friday, June 24, 2011

Celebrate your 1960s childhood with this “Happy Memories from the 60s” gift box. The retro candy and toys in the box will certainly bring you back to a much simpler time in your life. The box includes some 60s buttons, a guitar ornament, a mini Slinky, Magic Cube, a Mini kaleidoscope, 2 hippie rubber ducks, a top, peace sign necklaces, playing cards, and some delicious retro candy.
While you’re reminiscing, let’s think about some other fun toys that you may have used in your 1960s childhood…
• Remember the game Mouse Trap? How much fun was that? The game is still being produced, but it’s not as sturdy as it was back in the 1960s.
• Train sets were always great toys, too. They’d sprawl across the living room floor for hours of fun.
• Who could forget Barbie? She’s still around, too… but she made her debut in 1959. It could be said that the 1960s were when Barbie truly found herself and became the go-to toy for little girls.
• Wooden gliders were a main staple, too. They were so cheap that everyone could have one! They were like paper airplanes—only better.
• If you were a girl and didn’t have a princess phone… heaven forbid!
What were your favorite toys as a kid in the 1960s? Chomp on some retro candy, reminisce, and let us know!
by: Woodstock Candy

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