Summer’s here, and everyone wants to get together. This is the time when there are so many family reunions going on! Did you know that retro candy can help make a family reunion even more special? Many people will spend time sharing stories about growing up together and what things were like when they were young. We have some ideas for foods and treats that can make the day even more special.
Favorite Treats
Ask the oldest members of the family what treats were popular or what their favorites were when they were young. You can find many of these seemingly “lost” candies here at Woodstock Candy. Ask the family if there are any stories to go along with the treats! Why did they love them so much? You might hear stories about Turkish Taffy from the counter at Woolworth’s, candy cigarettes, and NECCO Wafers. (Don’t worry, we’ve got all of those!)
Family Tree Cookies and Treats
If possible, draw a family tree on a tablecloth. Bake some sugar cookies shaped like leaves and write the name of each person in the family on the leaf in icing. Arrange them on the tablecloth tree. Be sure to bake a few extra and have some icing on hand for those extra folks that might have married into the family. Use some retro candy treats to act as berries and decorations on the tree.
Most of all, enjoy your family reunion!
by: Woodstock Candy

thanks for this wonderful idea. I'll better try it when we have our family reunion. I do agree that adding sweets on our family reunion is more fun than just telling stories. If you want to know more about family or other informative ideas visit my site http://www.aipingwang.net
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