Woodstock Candy Posting Page
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

You’ve just turned 50. It’s a golden year. You have slowed down a bit. You want to stop and smell the roses. A walk in the park arm and arm with your partner is fine. You look forward to that quiet dinner out with friends. You’ve decided to join an exercise club to lose weight and feel better. You are eating healthier. You plan that special vacation to a place you’ve always wanted to see. In fact 50 is a wonderful year.
You will be attending a friend’s birthday and are looking for 50th birthday gift ideas. As you search the Internet, you notice that 50th birthday gift baskets are very popular. Some of these baskets are retro candy gift baskets. Retro candy gift baskets have some neat items. Remember your candy cigarette? What about bubble gum? You can find Sugar Daddy Jr. and Chiclets in some retro candy baskets too. How about Jujubes? Or Chuckles? You will find these and more in retro candy assortments.
While you are searching for 50th birthday gift ideas you are asking yourself, "What should I bring?" 50th birthday gift baskets are one idea. Is there something else, something different? Should I bring something conventional like a mug, a button or a T-shirt? You might decide to stay with tried and true items like tote bags, magnets, greeting cards, aprons, thermos bottle, framed tiles or a blanket wrap. You could get some funny phrases on any of these gifts.
But you know this person well. You grew up together. You know he/she wanted to be a rock star. How about a toy '50s guitar? He/she loved the Beatles so you decide to include a Beatles album. In fact why not have that music in the background during the party. You remember that “Let it Be” was his/her favorite song and you play that one and let the rest of the tape run.
The next question that pops into your mind is: I know him/her real well, how sexy do I want to go with the gift? Should I bring jewelry? I could bring earrings, a necklace or a bracelet? Or I could be a bit riskier and bring a tank top or some underwear and panties.
Whatever you decide to bring, make the 50th birthday a real celebration. There must be laughter. Ask one of your jokester friends to tell the best '50s jokes. Most of all, let the guest of honor round out the evening with his/her best true to life '50s stories.
by: Woodstock Candy

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