Woodstock Candy Posting Page
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Candy is a tasty treat that can get almost all children excited. You can see a child’s eyes start to sparkle at the mere mention of candy. A big grin spreads across their faces and they find it difficult to sit still when offered their favorite kind of candy, whether it's soft and chewy, hard and long-lasting or velvety-smooth and chocolaty. Put a little money in a child’s hand and they start thinking about what candy they’re going to buy with it. It's not unusual to overhear children pestering a parent or grandparent for gum or some other kind of candy on line at the local supermarket.
Most adults have fond memories of candy they enjoyed when they were children. They also have funny, sweet and poignant stories about a favorite candy store they frequented as a child. In the early and mid-1900s, candy stores, with a wide assortment of candy costing mere pennies, were everywhere. To the delight of children across the country, five or ten cents bought a large, yummy bag of candy. The penny candy stores, sadly, started to disappear as candy became more expensive. Gone were the days of children running down the block, to the candy store, whenever they found a few cents. No longer were they seen gazing in adoration at the rows of large glass canisters filled with pretty, colored, candy, trying to decide which ones to buy. Candy was more commonly sold in delis, five and dimes and supermarkets as the years went by.
Just as candy establishments changed, so did the kind of candy sold. Today, children are used to candy bars or large bags, marketed as “family size”, of one kind of candy, such as Skittles. All the while, adults are pining away for their favorite penny candy from their childhoods. We miss bygone treats such as Wax Lips, Boston Baked Beans, Chick-O-Stick, Bonomo’s Turkish Taffy, Bit-O-Honey, Chiclets and Squirrel Nut Zippers. Adults’ poignant memories of these retro candy treats, savored so many years ago, bring on warm and fuzzy thoughts of sharing the candies, bought at their childhood candy stores, with their siblings and friends. They may not be able to return to the long gone candy stores of their childhood but, to the delight of many parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and grown-ups everywhere, the retro candy of their childhood is available once again.
Imagine being able to taste the sweet caramel chewiness of a Sugar Daddy lollipop or to savor the sweet and sour tanginess of Razzles again. Retro candy favorites like Circus Peanuts, Jujubes, Turkish Taffy, Red Hots, Hubba Bubba gum, Dots, Chuckles, Lucky Lights Candy Cigarettes and many other favorites have made a comeback on-line with one click of the mouse. One taste of a delicious childhood treat will conjure memories of riding your 3-speed, banana seat, Huffy bicycle to the store during the warm days of summer, the flavors dancing on your tongue as you anticipate the next Junior Mint.
by: Woodstock Candy
Most adults have fond memories of candy they enjoyed when they were children. They also have funny, sweet and poignant stories about a favorite candy store they frequented as a child. In the early and mid-1900s, candy stores, with a wide assortment of candy costing mere pennies, were everywhere. To the delight of children across the country, five or ten cents bought a large, yummy bag of candy. The penny candy stores, sadly, started to disappear as candy became more expensive. Gone were the days of children running down the block, to the candy store, whenever they found a few cents. No longer were they seen gazing in adoration at the rows of large glass canisters filled with pretty, colored, candy, trying to decide which ones to buy. Candy was more commonly sold in delis, five and dimes and supermarkets as the years went by.
Just as candy establishments changed, so did the kind of candy sold. Today, children are used to candy bars or large bags, marketed as “family size”, of one kind of candy, such as Skittles. All the while, adults are pining away for their favorite penny candy from their childhoods. We miss bygone treats such as Wax Lips, Boston Baked Beans, Chick-O-Stick, Bonomo’s Turkish Taffy, Bit-O-Honey, Chiclets and Squirrel Nut Zippers. Adults’ poignant memories of these retro candy treats, savored so many years ago, bring on warm and fuzzy thoughts of sharing the candies, bought at their childhood candy stores, with their siblings and friends. They may not be able to return to the long gone candy stores of their childhood but, to the delight of many parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and grown-ups everywhere, the retro candy of their childhood is available once again.
Imagine being able to taste the sweet caramel chewiness of a Sugar Daddy lollipop or to savor the sweet and sour tanginess of Razzles again. Retro candy favorites like Circus Peanuts, Jujubes, Turkish Taffy, Red Hots, Hubba Bubba gum, Dots, Chuckles, Lucky Lights Candy Cigarettes and many other favorites have made a comeback on-line with one click of the mouse. One taste of a delicious childhood treat will conjure memories of riding your 3-speed, banana seat, Huffy bicycle to the store during the warm days of summer, the flavors dancing on your tongue as you anticipate the next Junior Mint.
by: Woodstock Candy

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