We like retro candy (obviously), but we think it’s a good idea to keep up on some of the trends in our industry, too. Candy, just like anything else, is an ever-changing medium. It grows with the times, while still paying homage to its rich past. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest candy trends of 2010.
-Dark chocolate is a huge trend right now. Journalists have been telling us that it’s rich in anti-oxidants, so we feel like it’s a healthier alternative to milk chocolate. (We still like milk chocolate, too!)
-A lot of candy is actually being sweetened with honey these days. This is largely because of the eco-friendly/organic trend. In fact, Jelly Belly actually has real wildflower honey in their new Honey Bean flavor.
-We’re a firm believer that everything tastes better with chocolate, and that’s why we love this next trend. People have been putting chocolate of so many different things lately. Potato chips, gummi bears, chocolate chip cookie dough balls, marshmallows… the list goes on. This one shocked us the most, though. Chocolate covered marshmallow Peeps. That’s right.
-Licorice is seeing a big resurgence now, too. This is because there are many different flavor options these days. Green apple, grape… companies like Twizzler and Red Vines are adding flavors left and right. Why does everyone love licorice? Well, maybe it has something to do with the economy. The licorice reminds them of inexpensive penny candy from the days of yore.
Hey… you know who sells penny candy? Woodstock Candy!
by: Woodstock Candy
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Can’t get enough of Woodstock Candy? (We know, we can’t, either!) Then why don’t you come on over to our Facebook page? That’s a great place to chat with other people that love our retro candy, and to get some information about our business. We try to keep things upbeat wherever we go, and our Facebook page is no different. We want to hear what you have to say about our products—or anything else that might be on your mind!
While we’re talking about Woodstock Candy on Facebook, we need to tell you about our great little promotion! If our Facebook gets up to 100 fans by Halloween (that’s just over a week away!) we’ll send a free pack of delicious Pop Rocks to anyone that posts a candy memory on our wall or discussion board. So what are you waiting for? Time is running out!
Facebook isn’t the only place we like to hang out, either. Woodstock Candy is also on Twitter. With our Twitter feed, you can learn little candy facts and get your candy info super-fast. We like to have fun wherever we are, and we want you to join in!
by: Woodstock Candy
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As our name implies, we simply LOVE candy. That could be why Halloween is one of our favorite holidays! Halloween is all about candy (and costumes, of course). When your kids go out trick or treating this Halloween, we’d like to make sure that they stay safe. After all, candy is great—but it isn’t worth getting hurt over! So here are some safety tips for all you ghouls and goblins out there.
- Kids should carry or wear something that lights up. Flashlights, glow bracelets, glow necklaces, and other flashing devices enhance visibility.
- Grown ups should try to plan out the trick or treating route in advance. This can help avoid any unforeseen obstacles—such as broken sidewalks or construction timber.
- Sneakers should be worn by all trick or treaters. Costume shoes might look cute, but they’re not very practical for a night of walking around collecting delicious Halloween candy. By the same token, avoid costumes that might drag on the ground.
- A general rule of thumb would be to stop trick or treating after 9pm. That will give kids ample time to collect the candy that they want without making them over-tired.
While you’re out there haunting the neighborhood, make sure you have a good time! And keep it safe.
Happy Halloween from Woodstock Candy!
by: Woodstock Candy
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So many great things happen in October. The leaves change, the weather cools down, and we get to chow down on some pumpkin pie. (When we're not eating candy, anyway.)
This October is special, though. Tomorrow would've been John Lennon's 70th birthday. It's a shame that we lost him when we did— we're sure he still had a lot to contribute to music and the world as a whole. But we're left with a beautiful legacy of peace and love— and that's what Woodstock is all about. So we're going to celebrate his birthday in our own way here at Woodstock Candy by thinking about all the great memories that he's given us over the years.
And while we're reminiscing about that, we're also going to think about all of our great candy memories. We want you to think about it, too! Because we're running a promotion on the Woodstock Candy Facebook page. If we hit 100 followers by the end of the month, everyone that's left a candy memory on our wall or discussion board will get a free pack of Pop Rocks. And what better way to celebrate a pop music icon than with a pack of Pop Rocks?
by: Woodstock Candy
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