Woodstock Candy Posting Page
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
It's a few days since Halloween, and if you're wondering what to do with your excess candy, there are a lot of creative ways to make use of it! In an earlier post, we told you about anysoldier.com, a website that connects you with soldiers who are looking for various things. Some of them are asking for candy so they can give it to local children in foreign countries where they are stationed. Many of those kids would never have candy if it wasn't for our troops. And we know how much kids love candy!
If you can't part with all that sweet goodness, there are things that you can make right in your own kitchen. No need to run out and buy a candy studded milkshake next time you have a craving for something sweet. Make one with left over M & M's, Heath Bars, Reese's Pieces, Gummy Bears, or any other goodies you might have. Instead of regular chocolate chips, use chopped up chocolate candy next time you make brownies or cookies. Spice up your baked goods and add some color with your uneaten Halloween candy!! Will you be making a gingerbread house this year? How about decorating it with your leftovers? Dots candy, gumdrops, Hershey's Kisses, peanut butter cups, and Sweet Tarts work really well for this. If someone in your family is celebrating a birthday soon, and you like cake decorating, you can use surplus candy for that as well.
by: Woodstock Candy

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