Woodstock Candy Posting Page
Saturday, January 19, 2013
While a 60th Birthday isn’t considered as much of a major milestone of life like turning 30, it’s definitely worth celebrating. After all, 60 can be a perfect age – retirement potentially should be right around the corner and that light in the tunnel signaling freedom from working for a living is definitely much closer than it was 10 years before. If you’ve worked to take care of yourself, you should have plenty of time to play. You can start taking advantage of things like senior discounts at restaurants. You might be at an age where the kids have left the house and are doing their own school/career/family thing, leaving you with more freedom, fewer bills and more opportunities to work on the “one of these days I’ll…” lists of wishes and wants.
You are becoming increasingly aware that there is certainly less time left on your personal clock than there was at age 40 or age 50, but there are still plenty of things lefts to explore. Entering the 60s is a perfect time for a second wind, but also to reflect on the fun of the past.
So if you have a loved one crossing from the Nifty 50s to the Super 60s there are many reasons to celebrate. Consider creating a 60th birthday gift basket, which can brighten their day and get them excited about what's ahead. Here are some fun suggestions:
Joke: Though the “Over the Hill” references may run thin quickly, you may still get a few laughs with obvious old man/old lady props. The better mental and physical shape the recipient is the more amusing will be references to canes and walkers, cataracts, incontinence, or easy-to-chew foods. Maybe some nice soft candy would do the trick.
Health: All joking aside, health and fitness is even more vital, so a basket of items to help the recipient stay in good shape would be welcomed. A card with a subscription to a health magazine, a gym membership or some home exercises DVDs might all be good suggestions. Perhaps a pedometer or some music for their next workout can be helpful.
Much Candy: Everyone has a sweet tooth, and the special someone with the 60th birthday party has had plenty of years to find good treats they enjoy. It could be something classy like fine European chocolates, larger versions of their favorite candy bars or something new and unusual like fun combinations of sea salt and caramels.
Nostalgia: Having reached their sixth decade, they likely have one decade that was their favorite. It could be a time from their childhood that they look back on fondly, like the penny candy they remember. It could be a decade during their 20s or 30s that they remember well. Load the 60th birthday gift basket with food treats and candies from that particular era, plus some fun apparel like 1980s-style sunglasses or perhaps a retro baseball hat of a team that’s still around but had a different look in the 1960s. Hippie accessories will always get a chuckle.
by: Woodstock Candy

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