Woodstock Candy Posting Page
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Candy from 1971 reminds us that the gift of glamour was not in those Candies shoes your mother wore, but in the promise of melt-in-your-mouth Op Art wrapped up sweetly from the corner store. Candy feels like the first time we met, the first time we kissed and the first time our mother let us off from washing the dishes, as long as we were home by the time the street lights went on. Take a walk down memory lane with candies that spark vivid memories.
Try these retro candies tonight: Atomic Fireballs, BB Bats, Bit-O-Honey, Bonomos Turkish Taffy, Candy Buttons on Paper, Candy Cigarettes, Candy Necklaces, Candy Lipstick, Chick-O-Stick, Chiclets, Chuckles, Dots, Dubble Bubble Gum, Gold Mine Gum, Fun Dip, Lemonheads, Mary Janes, Red Hots, Wax Lips, Zotz, Tootsie Rolls, Pixy Stix, Razzles, Pop Rocks, Necco Wafers, Root Beer Barrels, Boston Baked Beans, Sugar Daddy Jr., Now and Later, and Smarties.
Candy was better than Rainbow Sandals and better than the Rolling Stones. Lace up those Chemin de fer jeans and rock on. Candy is the Hotel California of our future and our past. The fact is, that the candy we craved and hunted down pop bottles for the deposit money to buy, can never be denied a place in our hearts. Candy in a piñata says party. Candy is the most versatile pick-me-up on the planet. Maybe the revolution of the 60’s was dead by the 70’s, but the candy treats lived on. Star Wars, Hot Wheels, Lightning Bolt Skateboards and candy from 1971 all took us to outer space.
The history of candy is refined. If sugar was an acquired taste from the Americas, the entrance of candy from refined sugar was an illuminating experience for the courts of the Monarchies in the Old World. The hunger for candy was a driving force for the conquistadors and privateers of old Europe. In the New World, we have always had it; these sugary treats that were almost as precious as gold, and were partially responsible for the conquest of once mighty empires in the New World.
Once you pop those sweet treats into your mouth, you are riding your Big Wheel down the sidewalk again. After school delight may have turned into Studio 54 nights, but the satisfaction from the sweetness of candy from 1971 has remained consistent throughout our lives. Buy the best nostalgic treats from Woodstock Candy. Nothing says ‘Hey, Hey, Hey it’s your 40th birthday’ with good old American spirit like candy. Stay young; eat candy.
If this retro trip to Candyland looks like a good one, you might want to click here to find out more. Woodstock Candy specializes in old school candy and gift items, boxes and baskets for nearly any occasion. Their online store is a delight for candy lovers, nostalgia buffs, gift givers and birthday party ideas. Take a virtual walk down memory lane.
by: Woodstock Candy

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