Woodstock Candy Archive Page
Thursday, April 21, 2011

The term “retro candy” means different things to people of different generations. It really all depends on when you grew up. Some of our customers are a little younger than others. If you grew up on NECCO Wafers and Bonomo Turkish Taffy, you might not appreciate what newer “retro candy” means for younger generations. Well, one of our customers wrote in to let us know just how much he loves Warheads.
Dear Woodstock Candy,
I’m just writing to let you know that I’m so glad you carry Warheads Sour Candy. I’m in my early 20s, and this stuff just brings me right back to my childhood. Warheads were really popular when I was in elementary school… 4th grade, specifically. I remember I always had a bag stashed in my desk.
When you were a 4th grader in the late ‘90s, Warheads were sort of like currency. And some flavors were more valuable than others. For instance, one blue raspberry Warhead was worth about three apple flavored ones. When you’re a kid, you’re really particular about flavors.
Warheads are hard to find in stores anymore. I’m happy I can get them from you guys!
Thanks for the Warheads,
John, PA
by: Woodstock Candy
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Friday, April 15, 2011

Did you know that Tax Day isn’t until April 18th this year? That means you still have some time to file your taxes if you haven’t done so already. (If you haven’t, what are you waiting for?) Get your friends together and have a “tax prep” party. Uncle Sam might be taking some of your money, but he can’t stop you from having fun, right?
• Make sure you have enough table space and chairs for everyone. It’s important for everyone to have a decent amount of workspace.
• Try not to do it too late at night. You don’t want to get tired while you’re doing your taxes!
• Are your taxes going to be complicated? Consider inviting a tax consultant to the party. If everyone pitches in with the cost, it can be fairly economical. (We aren’t sure, but maybe they can be bribed with retro candy!)
• Get some snacks for your party. Of course, we’re partial to retro candy and other sweet treats—but you can have so many great things at your party. Choose something that isn’t too messy and doesn’t require too many utensils or too much attention. (Again, retro candy is perfect for this!)
• Make sure everyone has all that they need. W-2s, 1099s, and any other documents are essential.
Already get your taxes done? Getting some money back this year? Well, then there’s reason to celebrate! (We’d suggest the huge 124 piece candy box. Can’t go wrong there, really.)
Owe this year? Give yourself a break. Use the code “woodstock” for 5% off your order.
by: Woodstock Candy
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Monday, April 11, 2011

We talk a lot about birthdays here at Woodstock Candy. You can’t really blame us… we’ve got so many great birthday gifts here that we get a little preoccupied sometimes! But we thought we’d do something a little different today. Since today is 4/11, we figured it would be fun to give you the 411 (information, ha!) on this day in music history.
If you’ve got any other fun music tidbits, feel free to leave us a comment! These are just the ones we were able to scrounge up.
• On April 11, 1981, Hall & Oates’ “Kiss on my List” hit #1. It was their second chart topper—1977’s “Rich Girl” was their first. Remember how popular they were in the early ‘80s? This is the song that set their career on fire. Hits like “Private Eyes,” “I Can’t Go for That (No Can Do), “Maneater,” and “Out of Touch” would follow.
• On this day in 1966, Buffalo Springfield gave their first ever performance. The group, featuring Stephen Stills, Neil Young, Richie Furay, and Bruce Palmer, met entirely by coincidence. Neil Young and Bruce Palmer literally found Stephen Stills on Sunset Boulevard while stuck in traffic. The group got their name from a steamroller that was parked in front of a friend’s house.
• And this day in 1961 marked the first major New York City gig for Bob Dylan. Dylan was only 19 at the time. He was scheduled to open for John Lee Hooker at Gerde’s Folk City. He was too young to secure the union card he needed to perform on stage. One of the club’s owners served as his legal guardian, and he was allowed to play.
What an interesting day it’s been! We hope you enjoyed this little retro music 411 from Woodstock Candy.
by: Woodstock Candy
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Friday, April 8, 2011

We’re still kind of reeling that Pia got voted off of American Idol last night. She sang so many sweet songs on that show. Sometimes the judges gave her a hard time about singing those sweet ballads… But we can’t help it. We love candy, after all, so we’re all about the sweet stuff. In keeping with our retro sensibilities, let’s take a look back at some of the “sweetest” songs ever written.
Songs with “Sweet” in the title:
• “Sweet Home Alabama” by Lynyrd Skynyrd
• “Sweet Dreams” by Air Supply
• “My Sweet Lord” by George Harrison
• “Sweet Emotion” by Aerosmith
• “Sweet Child O’ Mine” by Guns n’ Roses
• “Sweetest Thing” by U2
• “Sweet Dreams” by The Eurythmics
• “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond
• “Sweet Surrender” by Sarah McLachlan
• “Sweet Talkin’ Woman” by ELO
• “Home Sweet Home” by Motley Crue
• “Sweet Baby James” by James Taylor
• “How Sweet it is” by James Taylor
• “Sweet Seasons” by Carole King
• “Sweetness” by Jimmy Eat World
Do you have any other sweet songs you’d like to share? In the meantime, kick back with some delicious candy. It’s the best way to drown your sorrows after being voted off of Aemrican Idol! (Are you listening, Pia?)
by: Woodstock Candy
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