Woodstock Candy Archive Page
Sunday, December 30, 2012
The Barbie doll came out in 1958. Ruth Handler, a co-founder of the Mattel Company, named the doll for her daughter, Barbie. The Barbie doll was designed to be a dimensional type of paper doll for dressing up with pretty clothes.
Play Doh was designed in 1955 as non-toxic wallpaper cleaner that was reusable. That same year, Play Doh started to be used as a harmless substitute for modeling clay. The McVicker brothers manufactured Play Doh under Rainbow Crafts Company. At first, Play Doh came only in white, but soon was available in bright, primary colors. It has remained popular and now comes in many bright, even neon colors, and is still the bane of moms and their carpets.
In 1870, William Russel Frisbie, a baker, put the family surname on the reusable pie plates with the hope that when a housewife saw his name, she would want to buy a ready made pie and not bake a pie. In the 1940's, Yale students starting throwing and catching the Frisbie pie tins. In the 1950's, William Frederick Morrison made a disk shaped like a saucer and sold his idea to Wham-O, who sold the disks. The president of Wham-O saw the pie plates being thrown and caught at Yale. Upon his return to California, he renamed the plastic disks. The second "i" was changed to an "e", thus the name Frisbee. The Frisbee is still a very popular toy.
When on a trip to Australia, a friend of the president of Wham-O saw children turning bamboo hoops about their waists while exercising. In 1958, Wham-O produced 15 million hula-hoops in bright colors.
After much perseverance, George Lerner made Mr. Potato Head a favorite toy. Lerner first created plastic face parts to be put on fruits and vegetables. The toy companies thought that parents would be too cautious about using food to play with after World War II. Lerner sold his plastic toys to a cereal company. He didn't give up on his idea. Lerner pitched his idea to Hasbro, a small company at that time. After buying back his plastic face parts from the cereal company, Hasbro advertised Mr. Potato Head on television in 1952. At first, the Mr. Potato Head toy used a potato for the plastic face parts. Eight years later, a plastic body was included.
In 1927,PEZ was a mint dispenser invented by Edward Haas, an Austrian candy maker. Oskar Uxa, an employee of PEX changed the dispenser to resemble a cigarette lighter. In 1955, PEZ decided to put heads on the dispensers and sell them to children. PEZ dispensers are popular collectibles with new designs being created all the time.
All these toys of the 1950s were lasting ideas and are still being sold and used
by: Woodstock Candy
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Play Doh was designed in 1955 as non-toxic wallpaper cleaner that was reusable. That same year, Play Doh started to be used as a harmless substitute for modeling clay. The McVicker brothers manufactured Play Doh under Rainbow Crafts Company. At first, Play Doh came only in white, but soon was available in bright, primary colors. It has remained popular and now comes in many bright, even neon colors, and is still the bane of moms and their carpets.
In 1870, William Russel Frisbie, a baker, put the family surname on the reusable pie plates with the hope that when a housewife saw his name, she would want to buy a ready made pie and not bake a pie. In the 1940's, Yale students starting throwing and catching the Frisbie pie tins. In the 1950's, William Frederick Morrison made a disk shaped like a saucer and sold his idea to Wham-O, who sold the disks. The president of Wham-O saw the pie plates being thrown and caught at Yale. Upon his return to California, he renamed the plastic disks. The second "i" was changed to an "e", thus the name Frisbee. The Frisbee is still a very popular toy.
When on a trip to Australia, a friend of the president of Wham-O saw children turning bamboo hoops about their waists while exercising. In 1958, Wham-O produced 15 million hula-hoops in bright colors.
After much perseverance, George Lerner made Mr. Potato Head a favorite toy. Lerner first created plastic face parts to be put on fruits and vegetables. The toy companies thought that parents would be too cautious about using food to play with after World War II. Lerner sold his plastic toys to a cereal company. He didn't give up on his idea. Lerner pitched his idea to Hasbro, a small company at that time. After buying back his plastic face parts from the cereal company, Hasbro advertised Mr. Potato Head on television in 1952. At first, the Mr. Potato Head toy used a potato for the plastic face parts. Eight years later, a plastic body was included.
In 1927,PEZ was a mint dispenser invented by Edward Haas, an Austrian candy maker. Oskar Uxa, an employee of PEX changed the dispenser to resemble a cigarette lighter. In 1955, PEZ decided to put heads on the dispensers and sell them to children. PEZ dispensers are popular collectibles with new designs being created all the time.
All these toys of the 1950s were lasting ideas and are still being sold and used
by: Woodstock Candy
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Saturday, December 29, 2012
Candy is a tasty treat that can get almost all children excited. You can see a child’s eyes start to sparkle at the mere mention of candy. A big grin spreads across their faces and they find it difficult to sit still when offered their favorite kind of candy, whether it's soft and chewy, hard and long-lasting or velvety-smooth and chocolaty. Put a little money in a child’s hand and they start thinking about what candy they’re going to buy with it. It's not unusual to overhear children pestering a parent or grandparent for gum or some other kind of candy on line at the local supermarket.
Most adults have fond memories of candy they enjoyed when they were children. They also have funny, sweet and poignant stories about a favorite candy store they frequented as a child. In the early and mid-1900s, candy stores, with a wide assortment of candy costing mere pennies, were everywhere. To the delight of children across the country, five or ten cents bought a large, yummy bag of candy. The penny candy stores, sadly, started to disappear as candy became more expensive. Gone were the days of children running down the block, to the candy store, whenever they found a few cents. No longer were they seen gazing in adoration at the rows of large glass canisters filled with pretty, colored, candy, trying to decide which ones to buy. Candy was more commonly sold in delis, five and dimes and supermarkets as the years went by.
Just as candy establishments changed, so did the kind of candy sold. Today, children are used to candy bars or large bags, marketed as “family size”, of one kind of candy, such as Skittles. All the while, adults are pining away for their favorite penny candy from their childhoods. We miss bygone treats such as Wax Lips, Boston Baked Beans, Chick-O-Stick, Bonomo’s Turkish Taffy, Bit-O-Honey, Chiclets and Squirrel Nut Zippers. Adults’ poignant memories of these retro candy treats, savored so many years ago, bring on warm and fuzzy thoughts of sharing the candies, bought at their childhood candy stores, with their siblings and friends. They may not be able to return to the long gone candy stores of their childhood but, to the delight of many parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and grown-ups everywhere, the retro candy of their childhood is available once again.
Imagine being able to taste the sweet caramel chewiness of a Sugar Daddy lollipop or to savor the sweet and sour tanginess of Razzles again. Retro candy favorites like Circus Peanuts, Jujubes, Turkish Taffy, Red Hots, Hubba Bubba gum, Dots, Chuckles, Lucky Lights Candy Cigarettes and many other favorites have made a comeback on-line with one click of the mouse. One taste of a delicious childhood treat will conjure memories of riding your 3-speed, banana seat, Huffy bicycle to the store during the warm days of summer, the flavors dancing on your tongue as you anticipate the next Junior Mint.
by: Woodstock Candy
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Most adults have fond memories of candy they enjoyed when they were children. They also have funny, sweet and poignant stories about a favorite candy store they frequented as a child. In the early and mid-1900s, candy stores, with a wide assortment of candy costing mere pennies, were everywhere. To the delight of children across the country, five or ten cents bought a large, yummy bag of candy. The penny candy stores, sadly, started to disappear as candy became more expensive. Gone were the days of children running down the block, to the candy store, whenever they found a few cents. No longer were they seen gazing in adoration at the rows of large glass canisters filled with pretty, colored, candy, trying to decide which ones to buy. Candy was more commonly sold in delis, five and dimes and supermarkets as the years went by.
Just as candy establishments changed, so did the kind of candy sold. Today, children are used to candy bars or large bags, marketed as “family size”, of one kind of candy, such as Skittles. All the while, adults are pining away for their favorite penny candy from their childhoods. We miss bygone treats such as Wax Lips, Boston Baked Beans, Chick-O-Stick, Bonomo’s Turkish Taffy, Bit-O-Honey, Chiclets and Squirrel Nut Zippers. Adults’ poignant memories of these retro candy treats, savored so many years ago, bring on warm and fuzzy thoughts of sharing the candies, bought at their childhood candy stores, with their siblings and friends. They may not be able to return to the long gone candy stores of their childhood but, to the delight of many parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and grown-ups everywhere, the retro candy of their childhood is available once again.
Imagine being able to taste the sweet caramel chewiness of a Sugar Daddy lollipop or to savor the sweet and sour tanginess of Razzles again. Retro candy favorites like Circus Peanuts, Jujubes, Turkish Taffy, Red Hots, Hubba Bubba gum, Dots, Chuckles, Lucky Lights Candy Cigarettes and many other favorites have made a comeback on-line with one click of the mouse. One taste of a delicious childhood treat will conjure memories of riding your 3-speed, banana seat, Huffy bicycle to the store during the warm days of summer, the flavors dancing on your tongue as you anticipate the next Junior Mint.
by: Woodstock Candy
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Monday, December 24, 2012
Everyone loves candy. Everyone loves happy birthday celebrations. There will be many very happy birthdays when you see what kind of amazing birthday candy selections there are to enjoy!
Fun, tasty and exciting birthday candy is a treasure trove of confectionery delights for every birthday celebration. Kids from 1 to 92 will wear a smile from ear to ear when they see the oodles of colorful, yummy treats birthday candies have to offer at their next birthday party.
Delightfully memorable vintage candies bring back wonderful memories for the seasoned folks. Everyone had their favorite candies to carry in pockets and purses. Adults will be tickled pink when they get to choose from their old-fashioned candy favorites like Giant Taffy, Root Beer Barrels and Pixy Stix. Vintage becomes new again after introducing younger generations to these favorites.
The ladies will especially love whimsical Wax Lips, Candy Necklaces and Candy Lipstick. Gentlemen will get a kick out of Bubble Gum Cigars, Atomic Fireballs and Necco Wafers. But the list doesn’t stop there. Chick-O-Stick, Lemonheads, Teaberry Gum and Lifesavers will never be forgotten and forever enjoyed, along with dozens of other memorable candies.
When it comes to celebrating birthdays, people are always searching for original and creative ways to express the joy we feel during these special moments. Birthdays are all about our appreciation, restoration and anticipation of memories past, present and future. What better way is there to address those wonderful moments than by bringing a little of the past and present into the celebrating picture? Specialized birthday candy is the perfect idea for reminiscing and bringing joy into the here and now.
Celebrating with special candies from days gone by and popular candies of today is a very creative way to say happy birthday at every age. Birthday baskets filled with favorite candies and party gifts make thoughtful statements of love and appreciation. Surprise kids with delicious birthday candies, a special card and a delicious lunch inside a darling themed lunch box. Create personalized and age-appropriate gifts with birthday candies and gifts selected specifically for certain age groups. Men, women and children will all feel appreciated by selecting individualized candies and gifts they love.
There are countless ways to use candies in all kinds of birthday scenarios. Why not try a jumbo, 6 foot blow up birthday cake on top of a round table and accessorize with candy assortments wrapped in baskets, boxes or simply strewn around the table. Everyone loves delicious birthday cakes and candies. Try creating your own nostalgic birthday cake or dessert recipes using vintage candies. Birthday celebrants will be totally entertained with the originality and specialized thoughtfulness birthday candies bring to the special occasion table.
Whatever you love about amazing little birthday candies, have fun incorporating everyone’s favorites into the mix. The tastes are still delicious and wonderful memories are still being made with birthday candies and specialty treats. Don’t let this year pass you by without the sweet treats of birthday candies at your next party!
by: Woodstock Candy
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Fun, tasty and exciting birthday candy is a treasure trove of confectionery delights for every birthday celebration. Kids from 1 to 92 will wear a smile from ear to ear when they see the oodles of colorful, yummy treats birthday candies have to offer at their next birthday party.
Delightfully memorable vintage candies bring back wonderful memories for the seasoned folks. Everyone had their favorite candies to carry in pockets and purses. Adults will be tickled pink when they get to choose from their old-fashioned candy favorites like Giant Taffy, Root Beer Barrels and Pixy Stix. Vintage becomes new again after introducing younger generations to these favorites.
The ladies will especially love whimsical Wax Lips, Candy Necklaces and Candy Lipstick. Gentlemen will get a kick out of Bubble Gum Cigars, Atomic Fireballs and Necco Wafers. But the list doesn’t stop there. Chick-O-Stick, Lemonheads, Teaberry Gum and Lifesavers will never be forgotten and forever enjoyed, along with dozens of other memorable candies.
When it comes to celebrating birthdays, people are always searching for original and creative ways to express the joy we feel during these special moments. Birthdays are all about our appreciation, restoration and anticipation of memories past, present and future. What better way is there to address those wonderful moments than by bringing a little of the past and present into the celebrating picture? Specialized birthday candy is the perfect idea for reminiscing and bringing joy into the here and now.
Celebrating with special candies from days gone by and popular candies of today is a very creative way to say happy birthday at every age. Birthday baskets filled with favorite candies and party gifts make thoughtful statements of love and appreciation. Surprise kids with delicious birthday candies, a special card and a delicious lunch inside a darling themed lunch box. Create personalized and age-appropriate gifts with birthday candies and gifts selected specifically for certain age groups. Men, women and children will all feel appreciated by selecting individualized candies and gifts they love.
There are countless ways to use candies in all kinds of birthday scenarios. Why not try a jumbo, 6 foot blow up birthday cake on top of a round table and accessorize with candy assortments wrapped in baskets, boxes or simply strewn around the table. Everyone loves delicious birthday cakes and candies. Try creating your own nostalgic birthday cake or dessert recipes using vintage candies. Birthday celebrants will be totally entertained with the originality and specialized thoughtfulness birthday candies bring to the special occasion table.
Whatever you love about amazing little birthday candies, have fun incorporating everyone’s favorites into the mix. The tastes are still delicious and wonderful memories are still being made with birthday candies and specialty treats. Don’t let this year pass you by without the sweet treats of birthday candies at your next party!
by: Woodstock Candy
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Friday, December 21, 2012

The 1950’s also mark the rise of recording advancements. For example, it was in the 1950’s when four-track recordings first appeared, more specifically in Les Paul and Mary Ford’s “How High the Moon”, which they recorded in 1951. Plus, the early 50’s was full of some of the biggest names in music, with artists like Dean Martin, Nat King Cole, and Frank Sinatra. This was, of course, when big bands were still very popular. A time when Hank Williams, the famous country star, was on top of the world. However, the mid 50’s was a much different time.
Rock and Roll is still a major cultural fascination to this day; for this reason, it was one of the most important cultural revolutions of any period of American history. The 1950’s was of course a time of repression and extreme conservatism, and this small group of artists came along to wake everyone from their slumber. Rock and Roll was first coined by Alan Freed, a disk jockey in the 1950’s. Some of the early rock songs were “Rocket 88” by Ike Turner and “Shake, Rattle and Roll” by Big Joe Turner. Years later the introduction of the King of Rock and Roll came.
The King is of course Elvis Presley, who began releasing music in 1956. The first one of Elvis’s songs to become a national hit was “Heartbreak Hotel”, and this was the song that started a major phenomenon. Many will also remember Elvis as one of the first musicians to become a sex symbol for the youth of America. Elvis was the original bad boy, and without him a lot of the music we listen to wouldn’t be around. Artists like Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Little Richard also put Rock and Roll into the mainstream.
Another artist who thrived during the 50’s was Buddy Holly. His story is tragic, but he helped pave the way for future rock musicians. Holly made such hits as “That’ll be the day”, but his life was cut short on February 3rd, 1959. Buddy Holly was killed in a plane crash, which was also carrying the Big Bopper and Richie Valens, other notable 50’s musicians. Later in the 50’s music went back towards pop, but kept the Rock and Roll format. Rock and Roll didn’t end there though; in fact, many bands today cite these artists as major influences.
The music in the 1950s facts shows how important the music has been in developing our current society.
by: Woodstock Candy
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Thursday, December 20, 2012

What makes this type of candy basket so unique is that one can create a gift basket of candies that are no longer on the market. If a person wants to embrace someone's birthday party, they can celebrate the year they were born with nostalgic candies of their era. Old school candy baskets are a great way to highlight a milestone in a person's life and allow them a good old taste of how candy used to be. Fun and enjoyable for anyone, this truly unique and personalized gift is more than just giving away a candy basket, it's reminding someone of how far they have come in life and how much things have changed.
Old school candy baskets are great for any person of any age, to allow them to have a fun and quirky gift that is completely out of the box. Rather than giving someone the generic box of chocolates or simple candy treat, these candy baskets from long ago are a real nostalgic treat that takes someone back to their childhood. A fun way to commemorate certain milestones in a person's life, these type of candy baskets are perfect for people young and old alike.
Particularly great for the elderly, these candy baskets bring back candy from their younger years to those who yearn for the happy memories of the past. If a person wants to give someone a truly special gift, they should keep in mind the sweet memories that are contained in a basket full of candies from long ago, that will really make someone smile.
These uniquely designed candy baskets come complete with toys of the era as well, so a person can truly feel like they are going back in time. Fun and whimsical, this type of sweet gift can be a sweet memory for nearly anyone, and is a great way to show a person that they are loved and cherished. If a person wants to give a special and unique gift this year, they should remember old school candy baskets, and give a gift that can be cherished for years to come.
by: Woodstock Candy
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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The first ideas for 50th birthday gift contain the humor side. Everyone faces that “hill,” and we all know the jokes are going to come, so why not be the one that gets the gift that brings the loudest laughs? These are some of our favorite gag gifts: The inflatable walking chair, the shirt that reads, “Keep calm you’re only 50” or “Caution 50 and slow.” There are a plethora of little gag gifts like: cut tennis balls, dirt in a bag, little wooden coffins, a bike horn on a hat, black balloons, and “over the hill” written on anything you can think of.
The next ideas for 50th birthday gift come on the nicer side of things, the true, meaningful, thoughtful, and loving gifts. These gifts say that you care that someone is getting older, and they mean a lot to you. You could start by getting nostalgic gifts from the year they were born; candy, stickers, signs, clothes, or some old toys. Also, getting classic rock albums like the Beatles or Rolling Stones is a nice touch; as the bands are celebrating 50 years of rock and roll. The classic gift for women is pearls; nothing says “I love you” like pearls. Then there is the standard cards that come with deep and meaningful messages. Let the birthday person feel good about turning 50.
Finally, you can get the birthday person in question a current practical gift that will serve a better purpose in today’s world. A 50 dollar bill is a classic gift wrapped in a card. A gift card to their favorite restaurant; food makes everyone smile. Getting something engraved with the year they were born on it like a flask, belt buckle, lighter, or even a knife. The standard slippers or pajamas work well too. People want to be comfortable, especially at 50!
We hope this little list helps you pick out that perfect gift, or several gifts. We all know that 50 years of anything is a milestone, and we should celebrate, laugh, and enjoy their lives, especially if you get the last laugh!
by: Woodstock Candy
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Saturday, December 8, 2012
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50th Birthday Retro Candy Gift Basket |
One of the favorite thing of the over 50 group is reliving shared memories. Often a conversation turns to ‘Do you remember?’ And most everyone does. Being over 50 means you may remember seeing Neil Armstrong land on the moon in 1969. Sure you were a bit young, but your parents probably watched and so did you. Remember Slinkies? Yeah, you can still find them, but they are smaller and not at all the same. Did your parents wear love beads? Did you play with them?
One of the fondest memories an over 50 person shares is what he or she ate as a child. Favorite candies that are no longer manufactured are sweeter memories because the taste cannot be recaptured. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could bring some of those memories in focus with one of the 50th birthday retro candy gift baskets? Relive wearing wax lips or, how about candy cigarettes? Did you chew Chiclets?
During the party for the lucky celebrant, the receiver of a retro candy gift basket could share the memory filled candy with other guests and shared memories would flow. Chances are your friend would love to share those memories with all his birthday friends and family. What a great gift one of the retro candy gift baskets would make.
by: Woodstock Candy
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Friday, December 7, 2012
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Personalized Anniversary Nostalgic Candy Gift Basket |
There are no gift ideas as welcome as those that bring back pleasant memories from days gone by. The taste, texture, and smell of nostalgic candy are certain to make anyone think of summers spent with friends and family, as well as holidays and other occasions that will always hold a special place in a person's heart.
The personalized nature of custom gift basket makes them a perfect birthday gift. Nostalgic candy birthday gift baskets will bring a smile to anyone's face as they hold the sweet smelling candy in their hands and suddenly begin to feel years younger. Gift cards come and go, but personalized nostalgic candy gift baskets will always have a lasting impression.
Candy has always been a popular item when trying to give someone a unique and special gift. No matter what the person's age, there is always a memory that can be sparked by that one particular brand of candy. Nostalgic candy birthday gift baskets are able to bring back a flood of memories by including many different kinds of sweets, all carefully bundled in one fun and attractive basket.
Whenever there is any question regarding gift ideas, personalized gift baskets will be a hit every single time.
by: Woodstock Candy
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Saturday, December 1, 2012
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Happy Memories Nostalgic Candy Gift Basket |
A selection of candies from decades such as the 60's, 70's, or 80's compiled into nostalgic candy gift boxes are guaranteed to put a smile on the recipient's face, and ease the sting of turning older. Sweet, tasty candy made just like it during childhood is a nostalgic gift that anyone can appreciate, whatever their age. Fans of retro candy will love the selection of tasty treats that fill nostalgic candy gift baskets, and they will likely want to show their own children the sugary goodies that they enjoyed as a child.
Most people will agree that today's candy simply cannot compare with the nostalgic candy of childhood past. Packed with fillers and artificial sugars, today's candy just doesn't taste as good as the sweet stuff from the good old days. These nostalgic candy gift boxes are the perfect way to put a smile on someone's face and bring back the great memories of their youth. Almost everyone loves candy, and this is one gift that is sure to be a hit, no matter how old the recipient is. Giving the gift of retro candy is a thoughtful way to wish someone a 'Happy Birthday' and be sure that the gift is enjoyed.
Whether the person receiving the nostalgic candy is a Baby Boomer or just a candy connoisseur, this is one gift that won't be returned and is guaranteed to leave the recipient with a big, sticky smile on their face.
by: Woodstock Candy
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