Woodstock Candy Posting Page
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

When I was a kid, two of my favorite candies were the Sugar Daddy pop and Bonomos Turkish Taffy. I especially enjoyed the Sugar Daddy because it would last all day and it only set me back a nickel. As kids, we could get them at The News Shop, Folk Art, or Schneiders; the three places in Woodstock that sold candy. We would ride our bikes into town; back then there wasn't a lot of traffic and we would practically have the road to ourselves. After our purchases, we'd ride off with our brown candy bags to the rec field and tear open the packages. There was something wonderful about delicious creamy caramel on a stick. But the Sugar Daddy pop is one of those candies that I never finished. It would either get stuck in my hair or I'd pack it back up in the yellow wrapper and put it down somewhere. A lot of the candy I loved as a kid is still around. Some have new packaging, and others are made from slightly altered recipes. But they all still taste good! There is still a visual appeal to all that candy I grew up with. It's very nostalgic, and reminds me of being a kid again. Today if I want to get transported back to youth, I go for a smaller junior Sugar Daddy pop, which I always manage to finish.
by: Woodstock Candy

I love Sugar Daddys too!
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