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Wednesday, January 30, 2013
When someone hits their 40th birthday mark, they are known as over the hill. Of course, with individuals living longer and longer these days this isn't necessarily the case, but it doesn't mean you can't shy away from this and have a little fun with the situation. There are many different personalized gifts you are able to purchase someone on the 40th birthday, and some of these are perfect for a 40th birthday gift. If you don't know much about the individual or if you are struggling to find something to give for their 40th birthday gift, there are different options available to you, all of which are safe, yet allow you to have some fun with it being their "Over the Hill" birthday. You might as well have some fun with this day, as you are only going to be able to have fun with it once. And besides, if their 40th birthday is first, it just means they are going to have just as much fun with your birthday as you have with theirs.
There are many different candy options available to you. Now, these candy options are not just piles of candy like what you'd find after going trick or treating on Halloween. Instead, these kinds of candy options often date back to the individual's exact birth-date, so they can enjoy some of the candy they might have had while growing up. After all, they may no longer be a child, but it doesn't mean they can't enjoy life for a day or so like a child. After all, it is their birthday and it is going to help them have a rather great time on their birthday. This isn't a terribly mean birthday gift for their Over the Hill date, as many other people might take the joke over the top. Instead, even though it is their 40th birthday, they are probably going to like and enjoy your present far more than most of the other gift options given to them.
Coming up with a great birthday gift idea for someone's 40th is often difficult, but it doesn't need to prove impossible. In fact, there are many different options available to you when trying to find the best birthday present. Taking them back to their childhood with a candy present is a great option, as they are probably going to be feeling a bit old and might even get down, as many individuals tend to feel a bit down on their birthdays, just because they are one year older. This kind of gift is able to lift their spirits and remind them of their childhood, which can be a great option and a great gift. The gift doesn't make fun of them turning 40, but instead shows them how incredible their childhood was and how fantastic the candy was way back when. Many of the different retro candy options provide a flash back feel that will make the individual’s light up with a smile, as soon as they open your present.
by: Woodstock Candy
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Saturday, January 26, 2013
Wild blonde afro hair will turn heads – especially if it is a wig. Switching things up with the unexpected is a simple way to stand out in a crowd and get some laughs. A hilarious afro wig makes an unforgettable gag gift or a creative costume addition that no one will soon forget.
Afro hair is most commonly associated with the bell-bottoms and disco music of the ‘70s. Whether the occasion is a milestone birthday party, Halloween gathering, or block party, a blonde afro wig will add the finishing touch to bell-bottoms and a bright, groovy shirt. Whether a person really did have a blonde afro of his own way back when or one is simply adopting the role for the night, this wig ensures a good time and is sure to wow other party goers.
Blonde afro hair wigs are also popular accessories at big social gatherings such as parades and sports events. An afro wig with a visor will provide laughs as well as protection from the sun during outdoor events. In fact, if the afro is crazy enough, one might even earn a few seconds on camera during a big football game. Although the effect is bigger when afro hair is worn by someone who is bald, plenty of young adults can also enjoy slipping into a new ‘do for the afternoon.
Men who have gone completely bald might find themselves having a blast with a blonde afro wig. They might purchase the wig to play a joke on their friends and family. Big, poofy hair is bound to get some hilarious reactions of shock before everyone disintegrates in laughter.
Or the wig could serve a slightly different purpose as a gag gift. Someone with a great sense of humor might give it to a balding man on his 60th birthday. While everyone else is giving the birthday boy predictable gifts like sweaters or wine, the clever gift-giver has a present that will be the hit of the party that will create countless photo ops. After presents are opened, everyone can have a chance at wearing the blonde afro and create pictures and memories that will last long after the party ends.
It is precisely this part of dressing up to play a role that makes wearing a blonde wig so alluring. With so many style options of blonde afro wigs to choose from, it is possible to have fun adopting any of a number of persona.
From Nicki Minaj to Lady Gaga, an afro wig will make it easy to slip into character. Again, this could make a great joke on someone whose idol is a celebrity who has worn the hairstyle themselves.
There are many interesting reasons a customer may be shopping for blonde afro hair. The one bound to get the most reactions, however, is as a gag gift to a bald man. It certainly is a unique present and it will stand alone as one that surely no one else will have thought to give.
by: Woodstock Candy
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Thursday, January 24, 2013
It's fun to be nostalgic about many things, and that includes candy. For those who can remember candy from the 1950 s, this nostalgia will be very special. It will bring back childhood memories that can also bring back some of the innocence that goes along with being a child.
Anyone who was a child of the 1950s will remember how valuable one penny would be for a trip to the candy store. Usually the trip was a simple walk down the street to a local store. That store would have a sweet person behind the counter who would patiently wait for the child to choose that oh-so-important piece of penny candy. Sometimes it was possible to get two pieces of candy with that valuable penny.
Any child who was lucky enough to have more than one cent would feel rich by just walking into the store and taking plenty of time to make the perfect decision on which candy to buy. Many times that child would even share the extra pennies with some friends so that they could also enjoy a special sweet treat.
Some of the most memorable candy from the 1950 s would include those tasty candy cigarettes. These were the cigarettes that could cause no harm except perhaps a tiny cavity since they were made of sugar. With no tobacco or nicotine in these cigarettes, no parent would worry about their kids starting to smoke.
Those paper-covered Pixy Stix that were just opened and poured into the mouth were another candy from the 1950 s that were a hit with the children. They felt like long straws except that they were filled with a tasty, fruity powder that melted in the mouth. Chewy pieces of candy called Bonomo's Turkish Taffy, or giant taffy, would also be on the top choices list for the child with those pennies. The advantage of the taffy would be that it took more time to chew. This way that penny stretched to be even more important and valuable. If Bonomo’s Turkish Taffy was put in the refrigerator, one could smack it on a counter while it was still cold and in its’ wrapper, and then open the wrapper to find out that it had shattered into tiny pieces, making it last even longer.
The children of the 1950s would still love those lollipops that came in several different yummy flavors. It was also possible to eat candy that could also be worn, such as the candy necklace, candy lipstick and those silly wax lips that were comical to look at and also great to eat.
Those nostalgic flying saucer movies of the 1950s made Satellite Wafers a super choice for the kids. These came in pretty pastel colors and were made in the shape of flying saucers. The wafers themselves were great tasting and simply melted in the mouth. So many candies from back then could easily melt in the mouth with a soft flavor that still remains in many adult memories of 1950s candy.
Bubble gum was something that kids could never get enough of, and the still famous Dubble Bubble Gum was the top gum of the 1950s. It is still a popular bubble gum of today, and is still purchased by those same children who are adults today.
by: Woodstock Candy
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Planning a milestone birthday celebration like a fiftieth birthday party can be an exciting event to be part of. Many individuals like to look for fun types of decorations with special notations that can enhance this very memorable occasion. Most will start off with tons of balloons and specially catered favorite foods and decorations, but one thing that will stand out from all the rest, and that would be their all-time cherished candies from their childhood. Imagine baskets filled with these goodies that can be used as centerpieces on each table so no matter where the birthday boy or girl ends up they can be reminded of those great memories.
Bringing back those fond memories of their ‘growing up’ years will surely be an all time favorite and a great conversation piece. Sharing fond memories during this festive time can be a real eye opener for grandchildren as well as other family members attending this event. This can be a time when family traditions can be passed down, learned and valued. Memories from events like these are treasured by family members and talked about for many years to come.
The next order of business would be the type of gift that would be fitting for this landmark date. In some cases these are individuals who have already acquired a multitude of gadgets, cars, and mobile hardware that have accumulated over the years. This can make it very difficult to find that perfect gift, the one that will thrill and tantalize. Most people will say a fantastic gift does not have to be expensive, but would served by a well thought out and meaningful one, that will be much more appreciated because of the thought put into it.
Remember those days when you couldn’t wait to get off school to visit your local neighborhood candy store that had those chocolate cigarettes? With most little boys who wanted to imitate their fathers, this was a way that they could do that safely. A basket filled with those pastel candy buttons that one can peel off the backing paper is another treasured favorite that could be added into this package. Let’s not forget the famous candy necklace that every girl wore and ate while playing jacks or jumping rope!
Bringing out fun toys like silly putty, Mr. Potato Head, paddle ball and the ever popular Slinky can remind one of being a kid at heart. Some say that the best way to stay young is to keep active, exercise and eat right but what about keeping the mind young with great memories of their childhood days? The body can get tired and have aches and pains but the mind is still very active and full of memories of past days that are filled with years of excitement, and those days when there was plenty of energy to do the things they once did as a young spry teenager. Reliving those days with small mementos can be just the right touch for someone who might not have been looking forward to this milestone fiftieth birthday with anticipation, and may also remind them that they have the rest of their life to complete those goals and dreams that they might not yet have accomplished.
by: Woodstock Candy
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Saturday, January 19, 2013
While a 60th Birthday isn’t considered as much of a major milestone of life like turning 30, it’s definitely worth celebrating. After all, 60 can be a perfect age – retirement potentially should be right around the corner and that light in the tunnel signaling freedom from working for a living is definitely much closer than it was 10 years before. If you’ve worked to take care of yourself, you should have plenty of time to play. You can start taking advantage of things like senior discounts at restaurants. You might be at an age where the kids have left the house and are doing their own school/career/family thing, leaving you with more freedom, fewer bills and more opportunities to work on the “one of these days I’ll…” lists of wishes and wants.
You are becoming increasingly aware that there is certainly less time left on your personal clock than there was at age 40 or age 50, but there are still plenty of things lefts to explore. Entering the 60s is a perfect time for a second wind, but also to reflect on the fun of the past.
So if you have a loved one crossing from the Nifty 50s to the Super 60s there are many reasons to celebrate. Consider creating a 60th birthday gift basket, which can brighten their day and get them excited about what's ahead. Here are some fun suggestions:
Joke: Though the “Over the Hill” references may run thin quickly, you may still get a few laughs with obvious old man/old lady props. The better mental and physical shape the recipient is the more amusing will be references to canes and walkers, cataracts, incontinence, or easy-to-chew foods. Maybe some nice soft candy would do the trick.
Health: All joking aside, health and fitness is even more vital, so a basket of items to help the recipient stay in good shape would be welcomed. A card with a subscription to a health magazine, a gym membership or some home exercises DVDs might all be good suggestions. Perhaps a pedometer or some music for their next workout can be helpful.
Much Candy: Everyone has a sweet tooth, and the special someone with the 60th birthday party has had plenty of years to find good treats they enjoy. It could be something classy like fine European chocolates, larger versions of their favorite candy bars or something new and unusual like fun combinations of sea salt and caramels.
Nostalgia: Having reached their sixth decade, they likely have one decade that was their favorite. It could be a time from their childhood that they look back on fondly, like the penny candy they remember. It could be a decade during their 20s or 30s that they remember well. Load the 60th birthday gift basket with food treats and candies from that particular era, plus some fun apparel like 1980s-style sunglasses or perhaps a retro baseball hat of a team that’s still around but had a different look in the 1960s. Hippie accessories will always get a chuckle.
by: Woodstock Candy
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Thursday, January 17, 2013
The 50th Birthday! Oh, my, how old! How old are you exactly? Why, half a century old! The 50th birthday is a very special event in a person’s life. When taken in that context, this person has been alive for a very long time, and has probably had a lot of experiences over their privileged time on this planet. But this would make a 50th birthday for a loved one somewhat daunting and challenging, right? What could possibly be some great ideas for 50th birthday gifts? A lot of factors are involved, taking into account the person’s interests, gender and relationship to you, the buyer. The most important thing about buying a good birthday gift is to ensure that it will be something that your loved one will treasure for the rest of their geriatric lives.
Good ideas for 50th birthday gifts can be narrowed down by the person’s interests. Your mom, dad, grandmother, or grandfather naturally has his or her own personnel hobbies and interests. It would be worth taking into account what these people like to do for fun, like to eat, or even a favorite event or brand of item. Candy, such a pralines, caramel popcorn, or even chocolate make great and tasty gifts that may surprise and catch your 50 year old loved one by surprise. Other ideas include fishing equipment; nostalgic things from when they were growing up, such as music or retro imagery, are often great selections. Perhaps even looking into purchasing tickets to travel to a place that your 50-year-old loved one has always wanted to visit could be a clever alternative to typical and predictable birthday gifts.
Gender is a big factor when coming up with ideas for 50th birthday gifts. The greatest epiphany of humanity as a whole is when we all wake up one day and realize that men and women are just not the same. We look different, act different and as befits such an epiphany, we like different things! Masculinity is no doubt focused around the typical stereotypes (while keeping in mind that everyone is unique). So if your 50 year old loved one is into cars, naturally it is easy to determine that car-related stuff is the way to go. Likewise, if your 50-year-old mom has a green thumb, flowers and other potable plants are clearly expert level choices when selecting the gift you want. But we all love to eat, so a tasty, exotic or retro treat from back in the day is always appreciated. The unique taste of old school candy can evoke thoughts from a delicious past.
Now naturally, relationship is important. Moms and dads hitting their 50th birthday should be reminded consistently of their age, even if they don’t think so. Look into getting them trinkets, such as mugs with the number 50! written on them. The ideas for gifts are as numerous as there are 50-year-old people on this Earth. So don’t be shy, go ahead and remind them of their extended tenure on the planet – and bring back some sweet memories!
by: Woodstock Candy
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Tuesday, January 15, 2013
The older someone gets, the more likely it is that they'll be the recipients of gag gifts. Practically any point after the age of 21 is fair game, though 50 is when the "Over The Hill" gag gifts really start to roll in. However, gag gifts for 65th birthday parties are ones that really take the cake, so to speak.
Making Light of the Reaper
Death plays a central theme in many of the gag gifts for 65th birthday goers. For instance, presents in the shape of little graves or tombstones is a popular decoration. Additionally, gifts like a death certificate, either with a blank date or with an already figured out date and time of death. Get out of death free cards, or certificates for coffins and purchases thereof can all be used as gag gifts.
Poking Fun at Old Age
These kinds of gifts are particularly common when someone starts getting up there in years. Jars of candy labeled "memory pills" are common, as are things claiming to be for incontinence, erectile dysfunction and others. Whether it's jellybeans or chocolate though, these pills can make tasty treats when it's time to relax and munch a bit. Other jokes like magnifying glasses turned into sets of bifocals, telephones with huge buttons and "smart phones" that have a rotary dial are all the kinds of gags that people might give to their parents, or to other friends that have finally hit that 65 years old mark.
Out Dated Technology
It's also considered a particularly amusing gag to give the gift of outdated technology that no one can actually use anymore. Gramophones (or it could be a “Gramma-phone, if the recipient is actually your grandmother) for instance, or really dusty record players, still with the dust on them, are good openers. VCRs, 8 track tape players or Laserdisc players also fit into this particular category of gag as well. However, it's important to draw the line and make sure that the joke can be funny on multiple levels if possible. For instance, if someone still has laserdiscs, then a laserdisc player would make both a fine legitimate gift, as well as an amusing joke. It's always a good idea to have gifts of multiple layers if it's possible.
"Travel" Packages
Something that should be very clear that it's a joke is to find "travel" brochures, in the form of senior rest homes. This can sometimes be going a little too far, so it's important that if you're going to go with this particular gag gift that you do so with the full knowledge of how well the recipient will take it.
by: Woodstock Candy
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Sunday, January 13, 2013
There was a time that living to be 80 years old was considered a rare feat and an ancient old age. Thankfully, today 80 is like the new 50, and almost everyone gets there eventually. What to get someone for their 80th birthday may well be a book or a bottle of wine. But those may be too unexciting for today’s 80 year olds. An airline ticket to an exciting destination may be the more welcomed gift.
For example, visiting an exotic location in China may be on everyone’s bucket list. A bucket list, of course, is a list of things people want very much to do before they die. If buying this kind of present is too costly for your budget, you might want to get together with a few other friends and chip in for a plane ticket to foreign climes, or a weekend getaway closer to home.
But nowhere too tame, please! That would be insulting to an in-shape 80 year old man or woman. While you don’t want to send them mountain climbing on Mt. Kilimanjaro or off to any other life-threatening activity, you do want to demonstrate some flattery in your birthday suggestion. Remember, George Bush, Sr. went skydiving for his 85th birthday. Perhaps some rock climbing lessons would be a thoughtful gift. Many gymnastic facilities have rock-climbing walls. Climbing lessons are a necessary first step before taking to actual rock climbing. It's a sure way to find out what you can and cannot do when faced with a wall of rocks.
But first it's important to build up endurance. One good way is simply by walking long and far. Work up to four- to six-hour hikes. Be sure to wear your hiking boots and hiking backpack. Choose locations for your climbing trips that have both mountainous and flat areas for easy climbs. Don’t hike during extreme weather conditions. There are magazines that give guidance and tips for successful climbs. The beginner is advised not to plan solo trips and also to get a physical before climbing While rock climbing is an exhilarating experience, it can also be dangerous.
So maybe just a day trip to a lovely location to relax and enjoy the outdoors, or an afternoon trip to a museum, arboretum or a zoo with lunch at a chic bistro would be a welcome change to daily routine. Just because someone is 80 years old, it doesn’t mean they want a cup of chicken soup for lunch and a nice warm sweater for their birthday. These days, most people aren’t sitting around waiting for the grim reaper; they are more likely to want to learn and experience everything they can, and most of them have a closet full of thoughtful “stuff” that they’re never going to use. So plan an experience for that big 80th birthday that you know they will enjoy. And don’t think that they necessarily want to do that thing alone. Doing something exciting, different and fun with loved ones, either family or friends, ranks pretty high on anyone’s list.
by: Woodstock Candy
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Friday, January 11, 2013
The 1950s were an era that continues to bring about pleasant memories. The 1950s were a time of prosperity as World War II ended. The soldiers came home from the war and purchased homes in the suburbs. The United States was the military power of the world, and there were babies and more babies that were being born. It was the baby boom.
The fifties were the era of poodle skirts and coordinating sweaters. Television was the newest electronic in the home. There were beach parties, and stay home moms. American Bandstand was the latest teen's rage and most families resembled the "Leave it to Beaver" television program. As a popular sitcom indicated - it was a time of "Happy Days". Children played games like hopscotch, and jacks. Families always ate their meals together at the kitchen table.
Department stores like Woolworth and Kress were called the five and dime. Children walked to the neighborhood's general store and the shopkeeper knew the children and their parents. There was the maypole at school on May Day. The people that lived during the 1950s reminisce of the pleasant memories of that time frame.
Many of the memories of the 1950s are the ones from the baby boomers and the sweets that were eaten.
Baby boomers remember the candies of the fifties. The 1950s candies came in many flavors and the price of the candy was affordable. If the child in the 1950s had a penny, candy could be purchased. Children walked to the store and parents were not worried about anyone doing any harm to them.
Some of the candies that the baby boomers enjoyed were candy cigarettes, and bubblegum cigars. When those candies were enjoyed in the 50s, it was ok and fashionable to smoke. Most baby boomers remember when each child had their own package of candy cigarettes that usually cost a nickel. Many of the baby boomers enjoyed candies that cost a penny. Some of those penny candies were: Coconut Long Boys; Banana Split Candy; BB Bats; Peppermint Sticks; and Now and Later, to name but a few. The child at the store usually had a difficult time choosing, when a nickel or dime could purchase a paper bag full.
The 1950s candies also included candy bars. Most of the candy bars cost a nickel, with a few costing a dime. The candy bars were large and could be shared with the best friend or sibling. The candy bars that baby boomers enjoyed were: Zagnuts, Zero, Baby Ruth, Butterfingers and Pay Day.
The candies of the 1950s were enjoyed and never forgotten by the baby boomers. Many boomers enjoy stepping back in history and reminiscing of times long past and goodies that have never been forgotten. The individual that is fortunate enough to locate and purchase those yummy 1950s candies may enjoy sharing the candy of their youth with the youth of today.
by: Woodstock Candy
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Wednesday, January 9, 2013
If there's a candy you miss from your childhood, or something that you can have now that you're an adult, it can still be found. The candy from the past is still being made, but just in small quantities. Because nostalgic candies no longer have mass appeal, many companies are forced to make them only in small quantities. Even though you don't see them in the candy isle of the supermarket, they are still available.
Nostalgic candy makes the perfect birthday gift. You can order gift baskets of the candy that was popular during the year the person was born. If you were a child of the 60's, your candy basket will come with 60's party buttons, candy cigarettes, Pop Rocks, and plastic bubbles. If you're from the 70's, then you can try on a pair of wax lips and chew on some Turkish Taffy. There's plenty of candy in your basket, so share the love with someone else! If you were a child of the 1950's, then your basket has a bag of bubblegum coal and a box of Boston Baked Beans.
Retro Candy is perfect for reliving the memories of the carefree days of the past. It's a little taste of the simpler days before there was constant email checking and things to do. Retro candy is also a fun thing to share with your own kids to give them an idea of how life was when you were growing up.
Another great thing about nostalgic candy is that it is the perfect gift for the person who has everything. Because everyone likes candy, retro candy is a lot of fun for everyone to eat and enjoy. It makes the perfect gift because it's one that will help you bring the good memories of the past back.
Candy makes everyone happy. Retro candy even puts icing on the cake and makes people happier because of the sentimental value. When you get one of the gift packages, you'll think of the good old days and talk about them with your friends and family for hours.
A candy package can also come with an over the hill gag gift or greeting card if you choose. Retro candy makes the perfect birthday gift because it's the perfect blast from the past and chance to experience something new. Nostalgic candy is delicious and perfect for you to try and share with others in your life.
by: Woodstock Candy
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